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[gemoc-dev] Please consider removing, merging, or planning to merge stale branches


there are a bunch of stale branchesĀ  in several of our repo (both @eclipse and @gemoc organisation)

It should be a good practice to do some cleanup regularly but most of the time it can be done only by their authors.
actions that you can do:
- remove old unused branches (I do it reguarly for branches related to accepted PR for example)
- merge/create a pull request to move its content to a live branch
- open an issue indicating the work done and its current status so that it can be re-activated laterĀ  (ie. provide some informatio about the goal of the branch and what is valuable in it even if not merged in a live branch yet) This will help to plan a PR later.

(Observe that I do not consider active branches, since you are working on them, there is no worry about them ;-) )

list of stales branches:

If you name appears in the commiter of those branches, you have an action to do ;-)

Best regards


Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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