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Re: [gemoc-dev] maeven and 'hidden' dependencies

Hi Julien

I analyzed the log

apparently, the CI builds using the following branches:
+ ./gemoc-studio/dev_support/jenkins/ .
gemoc-studio is on branch concurrency-coordination
gemoc-studio-concurrency is on branch master
gemoc-studio-coordination is on branch concurrency-coordination
gemoc-studio-modeldebugging is on branch master
(note: the old concurrency-coordination branch that existed some time ago in gemoc-studio-concurrency repo seems to have disapeared)

As the error was during compilation of org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.extensions.k3.rtd.modelstate  I applied the same xtend-maven-plugin patch to the parent pom.xml (which is the highest level pom.xml that declare the use of this maven plugin.)

It seems to fix the dependency issue (at least on my local build, the CI is currently running)
it now fails on another error in org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.extensions.timesquare about
[ERROR] /home/dvojtise/git/gemoc/gemoc-studio-concurrency/ccsljava_execution/ccsljava_engine/plugins/org.eclipse.gemoc.execution.concurrent.ccsljavaengine.extensions.timesquare/src/main/java/org/eclipse/gemoc/execution/concurrent/ccsljavaengine/extensions/timesquare/moc/impl/[340]
[ERROR]     solverWrapper.getSolver().clearStepData();
[ERROR]                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ERROR] The method clearStepData() is undefined for the type CCSLKernelSolver
[ERROR] 1 problem (1 error)

which is not related the the dependency issue

so you can have a look to it ;-)



Le 11/01/2019 à 09:52, Julien DeAntoni a écrit :
Hi Didier and thanks for the answer,

On 1/11/19 9:20 AM, Didier Vojtisek wrote:
Hi Julien

did you try to align teh pom.xml with the ones in master branch (gemoc-studio, modelling and execution-ale)?

Yes I did, unsuccessfully :-(

It does not seem associated with xtend/xtext this time but rather with eclipse JDT. I checked for potential import of JDT with fixed version but did not found any.

Looking at the last gemoc studio build, this is what's installed:

which is clearly not what maven try to setup in my case :-/

is there a way to clean the cache of the CI ? Is there any chance it changes anything ?


I recently accepted the PR (  that fixes

I used information from

apparently this "noSuchError" error is recurrent and raised several issues in xtend maven compiler plugin when the release train updates the eclipse jars on maven central... :-/

Also note: that current fixes will be temporary since it seems that a bump to the latest eclipse release (and latest xtend) will fix it. Unfortunaltly my attempt to bump is still blocked due to missing update site for amalgam (.

anyway, I finish an action and then try to have a look and keep you informed if I find something

Best regard

Le 10/01/2019 à 17:34, Julien DeAntoni a écrit :

Hi there,

I'm fighting with maven to get correct JDT dependencies.

there is a conflict when building the concurrent gemoc stuff which seems to be due to inconsistent versions of the JDT components (

Actually I have this error (taken from here:

  • [ERROR] Failed to execute... compile failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.eclipse.xtend:xtend-maven-plugin:2.14.0:compile: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.FileSystem.getClasspath(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZLorg/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/env/AccessRuleSet;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Map;)Lorg/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/FileSystem$Classpath;

in the build log I have the following hint...

I tried to check where "org.eclipse.jdt.core/3.16.0" comes from but I did not find it :-/

If you have any idea, do not hesitate :)


Julien Deantoni
Associate Professor
I3S Lab - UMR 7271 -KAIROS
INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée
2004 rte des Lucioles (Lagrange L-041)
BP93, F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
tel: +334 92 38 77 66

Don’t take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway.(Dawn Gluskin)

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Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
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02 99 84 75 07

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Julien Deantoni
Associate Professor
I3S Lab - UMR 7271 -KAIROS
INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée
2004 rte des Lucioles (Lagrange L-041)
BP93, F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
tel: +334 92 38 77 66

Don’t take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway.(Dawn Gluskin)

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Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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