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Re: [camf-dev] Plugin is not working

Hi Danilo, thanks for the prompt response.

I will replicate your environment tomorrow morning and have a look to the culprits.
I have a similar machine at work.

I will keep you updated on the outcome.

On 16 Feb 2016, at 23:57, Danilo Cianciulli <cianciullidanilo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Nicholas,

The content disappears after Eclipse restarts, but it is still present
into the workspace and I can access it from other Eclipse standard
views, such as "Project Explorer".
I can create a Cloud Project from any perspective but, due to this
issue, I can do it only at first clean Eclipse start.
When I restart Eclipse, an exception is thrown
(, and this prevents me from either open
cloud projects present in the workspace (I've created on the first
Eclipse start), or create a new one.

Again very odd. From the stack trace it looks like the Openstack information system endpoint
returns a NPE when getting the Nova URI. This is retrieved from the properties file where
the Cloud provider metadata are stored.

What Eclipse release are you using? Mars or Luna?

Here's my development environment:

   - Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (64 bit) - kernel 3.13.0-74-generic
   - JDK 7 Oracle (build 1.7.0_80-b15)
   - Apache Maven 3.2.3
   - Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers
         Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
         Build id: 20150219-0600

However, I also tried with Mars and different Java versions/vendors
(JDK 7 both Oracle and OpenJDK, and JDK 8 Oracle)  and nothing has
changed: same issues.

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