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Re: [camf-dev] Plugin is not working

Hi Nicholas,

>> As starting point, I would be happy to deploy a single-node
>> application, therefore there would be, as an instance, an EAR file
>> that has to be deployed on an application server such as JBoss, which
>> is running on a VM.
> Ok that would be easy. I assume you have a cooked VM image in your OpenStack cluster with JBoss installed?
> If yes, then the EAR file can be added as a Software artifact - hence drag and drop it to your new VM blueprint
> and it will be transferred when the VM deploys.

This is exactly what I meant to do as a test starting point.

> The *.infosystem.model.edit plugin is not essential to the build. Actually is not used currently. I will check the
> our latest revision and remove it from the repository if that is the case.

I'm still experiencing the issue concerning the "Cloud Information
Tool" view. I don't know why, since the console does not show any
exception about it, but if I exclude the *.infosystem.model.edit
plugin from the launch configuration, the "Cloud Information Tool"
view is not populated.

> To get things clear here:
>         - Are you able to define correctly the Cloud provider preferences from the Preferences menu?

Yes, I am!

>         - Can you create a Cloud project? I am asking this because you said “ …  can't access to already created cloud projects … "
>                 - If YES: when does the project content disappears? After Eclipse restarts?
>                         - From which perspective can you create a Cloud project?

The content disappears after Eclipse restarts, but it is still present
into the workspace and I can access it from other Eclipse standard
views, such as "Project Explorer".
I can create a Cloud Project from any perspective but, due to this
issue, I can do it only at first clean Eclipse start.
When I restart Eclipse, an exception is thrown
(, and this prevents me from either open
cloud projects present in the workspace (I've created on the first
Eclipse start), or create a new one.



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