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[camf-dev] Plugin is not working

Hi CAMF developers.
I'm Danilo Cianciulli from Department of Engineering at University of Sannio (Italy).
I'm trying to work with the CAMF plugin (with OpenStack) within the context of my M.Eng thesis, and I may even contribute to the plugin.

I've been in troubles for about three weeks trying to make the plugin work.
Here's my development environment:
  • Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (64 bit) - kernel 3.13.0-74-generic
  • JDK 7 Oracle (build 1.7.0_80-b15)
  • Apache Maven 3.2.3
  • Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers
    • Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
    • Build id: 20150219-0600
Here's my OpenStack test environment, which runs in a KVM-based virtual machine:
  • Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS (64 bit)
  • OpenStack 2014.2 (Juno)
  • The following services are installed on the same node:
    • Nova
    • Cinder
    • Glance
    • Neutron
    • Keystone
    • Horizon
    • Heat
    • Ceilometer
Here's the process I followed to import, build and run the plugin:
  1. Cloned the repository from ssh://<my-username>
  2. Checked out the master branch
  3. Imported eclipse projects into a clean workspace
  4. Downloaded the fixed version of openstack-neutron from and copied the files under the ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/jclouds/labs/openstack-neutron/1.8.0 directory
  5. Run mvn clean on org.eclipse.camf.jclouds
  6. Run mvn p2:site on org.eclipse.camf.jclouds
  7. Run mvn jetty:run on org.eclipse.camf.jclouds
  8. Opened file under, updated and set as target platform
  9. Run maven update on org.eclipse.camf.tycho (selecting all projects)
  10. Run mvn clean on org.eclipse.camf.tycho, but got this fail output, so I commented out the org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.edit plugin in feature.xml under org.eclipse.camf.feature (moreover, the infosystem.model.edit plugin comes with compilation errors since it cannot resolve MONITORING_PROBE_URL)
  11. Run mvn clean again, then I got BUILD SUCCESS
  12. Run steps 6 and 7 again
  13. Run mvn install on org.eclipse.camf.tycho -> BUILD SUCCESS
  14. On org.eclipse.camf.tycho -> Run As -> Run Configurations... -> New Eclipse Application
    1. Name: CAMF
    2. Under Main:
      1. Run product: org.eclipse.platform.ide
      2. Checked clear workspace (ask for confirmation before clearing)
      3. Execution environment: JavaSE-1.7 (java-7-oracle)
    3. Under Plug-ins
      1. Launch with: features selected below
      2. Select All
    4. Under Configuration: checked clear the configuration area before launching
    5. Apply, Run
As soon as I open the CAMF perspective, I get this exception in the console, but it seems that I can still interact with the plugin.
Then I followed the tutorial I've found here:
I created a new OpenStack Cloud Provider, named TestProvider, given demo:demo as Access ID, and http://openstack:5000/v2.0 as Endpoint (openstack is resolved as by /etc/hosts file).
After that, I created a new Cloud Project, named DemoProject, selected TestProvider and fetched Openstack Info.

The Cloud Information Tool view doesn't show anything, but, uncommenting the org.eclipse.camf.infosystem.model.edit plugin in feature.xml under org.eclipse.camf.feature (but without re-run mvn install since it would fail due to unresolved compilation problems) and running the plugin again, I got the followind data from the view.
 I get the following info from the Cloud Information Tool view.
Immagine incorporata 1

Keeping on following the tutorial, I tried to create a new Application Description, but the palette doesn't show me almost anyting. See the screenshot below:

Immagine incorporata 3

Please, note that VM Type doen't show anything, even if the Cloud Information Tool view shows the flavors list. I tried to drag and drop elements from that view, but the plugin doesn't seem to save the changes after reopening the tosca file.
Playing with the plugin, i found out a lot of strange behaviors.
For instance, clicking on Create under Monitoring leads to a file chooser window titled "Select Image File".
After I created a new Cloud Project, if I close the workspace and then I reopen it, the Cloud Project View doesn't show anything, even if the project is accessible from the Project Explorer view.
I can't set any monitoring probe and any elasticity constraint.

Immagine incorporata 4
I tried to figure out what's wrong with the plugin. I guess there are code inconsistencies.
I tried different development environments (with different Java and Eclipse versions, and even running on Windows 7), but nothing changed.
Furthermore, I tried with OpenStack Liberty but in such case the plugin fails when it tries to fetch the OpenStack Info.

Here's a typical full console output generated by the plugin execution:
Here's the exception stack trace I get when I restart the plugin after creating a project (but the Cloud Project View appears empty):

Any help would be highly appreciated.


Danilo Cianciulli

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