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Re: [basyx-dev] Setting up Basyx

Dear Nicolas,


we didn’t test the setup with openJDK, but since your SDK seems to be installed, it should work nevertheless.

The problem seems to be the line “basyx.sdk [without test code]” in the Maven dependency list.

I’m not sure why the test code is explicitly excluded here.


The main difference to the usual setup is the unchecked “Update project configuration from pom.xml”.  

Does the configuration include test code when updating the project with this box checked? (regardless of the wrong JDK configuration)

ð  Does the Maven dependency list in the basyx.components project have the line “basyx.sdk” included then? Without “[without test code]”


Maven keeps a local repository for all dependencies and installed artifacts. Thus, the Eclipse integration of maven resolves these dependencies using the local repository. Open maven projects in Eclipse are an exception. By default, a maven dependency is resolved by using the corresponding Eclipse project.

In this case, the basyx.sdk project is linked to the basyx.components project that defines it as a dependency.


You can disable this behavior and use the installed SDK jar instead:

Right click on the basyx.components project -> Maven -> Disable Workspace Resolution

The Maven dependencies should then contain the installed SDK jar from the local maven repository (“basyx.sdk-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar”) instead of the opened Eclipse project (“basyx.sdk”, or in your case “basyx.sdk [without test code]”.

Does this work for you?


Best regards,

Daniel Espen



Espen, Daniel

Engineer Embedded Software Engineering

Fraunhofer IESE

Fraunhofer-Platz 1 | 67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel: +49 631 / 6800-2131 | Fax: +49 631 / 6800-9 2131

Mail: Daniel.Espen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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