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[wtp-releng] Important notes on map files and how you should clean them up

 Besides everyone finding and rechecking out your project files from cvs, you'll also need to stumble around a bit to get your map files checked out, and then eventually cleaned up.

All the map files are in the cvs top level directory/project named


Below that are the specific project directories/projects with the actual map files in them. Should be self explanatory, by name.

releng                           <-- same as it was, but smaller, and has still has some old stuff left that has to be moved/edited out to other projects, still.
releng.dali                           <-- same as it was
releng.jsf                           <-- same as it was, but I carefully chanced the releng-jsf to releng.jsf ... I just could not stand the inconsistency!            

Except, it is not quite clear under the surface. Many of you will initially have to check out all or several of the releng.* directories (even from other projects) and will, eventually, have to edit/cleanup the map files you find there.

The reason it, is that I created these directories, and moved some 'history' files around on the server so that the map files you'll see initially are the exact same map
files you saw before -- same history, revisions, branches -- just in a different directory.
Messing with the history files on the server is nice to start with, since the same directories and map files "exist" in all the branches, so all the
builds work as they did before (mostly) and working in one branch will be very similar to you working in another, as it should be.

But, as we all know, some of the map files are "messed up", having a mix of plugins from several projects intermingled.

My proposal is to leave it to you, each subproject, to fix-up/clean-up your map files. Because ... once you start editing them, moving plugins from one map file to another, you will have to "manually" make the exact same move edit (maintaining correct version numbers, of course) in our primary branches ... well, at least the R2_0_maintenance branch, as well as HEAD. I'd be fine leaving 1.0 and 1.5 branches as they are right now, since it's very unlikely they will ever be needed again, so no need to waste time on them. But ... if you're compulsive, feel free.  Naturally, once you start doing this editing, you'll "break" some history, so, that's why I'm leaving it to you, in case any of you want to make some sort of special plans or efforts to record that history? (There's no reason to ... its just everything else I did not break history, so I didn't want to start here).

This editing/moving does need to be coordinated so everyone knows what's going on, when to refresh, when (not) to release code, to map files etc.

Confusing? It was for me as I typed it, but seems real clear in my head ... so, feel free to ask if questions ... or, if anyone has any better suggestions, please don't hesitate.


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