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[wtp-releng] Response and Status of recent CVS review comments

I've <DONE> most of these in the scripts, so be sure to re-check the detailed listings.

But, I think a few require some open discussion ... maybe just due to my ignorance, but I figure if it's not clear to me,
might not be clear to others (plus, a few might be 6 one, half dozen of another sort of decisions).

from Chuck

Move the following to JSF?
 <I've moved this to Source Editing Project instead, given Raghu's comment.
                                I think Source Editing Project should be in charge of "packaging" the web page editor. Though they could go to JSF, if that team wants them>

Move to archive: <DONE>

These need discussion (I'd especially like to hear Kosta's thoughts).
If others in the know say so, it's fine with me, but are they planned to be API someday?
Are they used by 3 or more other projects? And, remember, "Owned by Java EE team"
means it should be in the Java EE project ... otherwise it's owned by the Common Project Team
(and, yes, I know there's overlap :)
Move to common:  
     org.eclipse.jst.common.frameworks - Owned by Java EE team, (Classpath utilities, EMF/ Working copy utilities...)
Move to common tests: Not sure what's meant here. Are you suggesting these test (only) the validation framework? In which case I'd agree.
And, if that's the case, then you could fix up the dependancy and features and maps before M3.  
  org.eclipse.jst.validation.test  (Although this has a small dependency on j2ee, we should break it and move it to proper component)


Move to archive: <DONE>

Move to doc: -- org.eclipse.wst.validation.infopop <DONE>

from Nitin

Should move from PLUGINS to DOC: <DONE>
- org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.doc

Should move from PLUGINS to ARCHIVE:
- org.eclipse.wst.xsd.contentmodel

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