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Re: [wtp-releng] Response and Status of recent CVS review comments

Hi David,
The JSF team can take back the responsibility of packaging the WebPageEditor. You can move these features to JSF:
--- Original Message --- 
I've > color=blue><DONE> 
> most of these in the scripts, so be sure to re-check the 
> detailed listings. 

But, I think a few require 
> some open 
> discussion ... maybe just due to my ignorance, but I figure 
> if it's not 
> clear to me,  
might not be clear to others 
> (plus, 
> a few might be 6 one, half dozen of another sort of decisions). 


from Chuck


> Move the following to JSF? > size=3 color=blue> <I've 
> moved this to Source Editing Project instead, given Raghu's 
> comment.  
>       I think Source Editing Project should be 
> in charge 
> of "packaging" the web page editor. Though they could 
> go to JSF, 
> if that team wants them> 

>     org.eclipse.jst.webpageeditor_sdk.feature  
Move to archive:> size=3> 
> <DONE> 

These need 
> discussion (I'd 
> especially like to hear Kosta's thoughts).  
If others in the 
> know say 
> so, it's fine with me, but are they planned to be API someday? 
Are they used 
> by 3 or more 
> other projects? And, remember, "> color=blue>Owned 
> by Java EE team"  
means it should be in the Java EE project ... 
> otherwise 
> it's owned by the Common Project Team  
(and, yes, I know there's overlap :)  
Move to common:  > size=3> 
>    org.eclipse.jst.common.frameworks 
> - Owned by Java EE team, (Classpath utilities, EMF/ Working 
> copy utilities...) 
Move to common tests: > color=blue>Not 
> sure what's meant here. Are you suggesting these test (only) 
> the validation 
> framework? In which case I'd agree. 
And, if that's the case, then you 
> could fix 
> up the dependancy and features and maps before M3.  > size=3>

>    org.eclipse.jst.validation.sample

>    org.eclipse.jst.validation.test  (Although this 
> has a small 
> dependency on j2ee, we should break it and move it to proper 
> component)

Common:> size=2>  
Move to archive:> size=3> 
> <DONE>> size=3>

>     org.eclipse.wst.common.explorer 

>     org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.views

>     org.eclipse.wst.common.navigator.workbench 
Move to doc: > size=3>-- org.eclipse.wst.validation.infopop 
> <DONE> 




from Nitin 


Should move from PLUGINS to DOC: 
> <DONE>> size=2>

> - org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.doc


> Should move from PLUGINS to ARCHIVE: > size=2 color=blue><DONE>

> - org.eclipse.wst.xsd.contentmodel 

> --------_______________________________________________ 
> wtp-releng mailing list 
> wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx 

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