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Re: [wtp-releng] IBM JDK

I'm trying to rule out the JDK used as the source of a problem that occurs in the build but not locally. Part of the problem is that for various reasons (i.e. proxy settings, lack of a linux build env etc.) I am unable to run the build locally and instead run the tests using the JUnit Plugin launcher. All of the JSF tests currently breaking in the run fine in my env.

One significant difference is that the build uses a different JVM and set of class libraries etc (I use the standard ones from Sun). I have been able to rule this out with the IBM JDK for XP (an "unsupported" copy of which I was able to obtain in the Eclipse Development Package off developerWorks).


David M Williams wrote:

It would have originated from somewhere around this link
(To download does require registration, but it really is just registration ...
you don't have to buy anything :)

Mind if I ask why you'd like to know?
And, remember, we don't use it's javac compiler, we use JDT.
We use jdk 1.4 and 1.5 for various parts of the build and tests.
The other "complication" is the base JRE class libraries ... they have
their class libraries broken up into 10 or so jars (where as sun, for example, is mostly in in jar) and we specify the minimum number of those base jre jars
that we can get by with.

So, let me know if there's a more direct question I can help with.

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