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Re: [wtp-releng] PDE Tools->Create ANT File fails with message, Unable to find plug-in..

Are you using a PDE target? In the past, I've seen problems where the workspace PDE build would get a little confused about where to look for things ... the workspace, or the target, or the actual development runtime itself.

I know there used to be bugs opened on PDE about this, but haven't followed them. So ... assuming you have that plugin in your workspace, you might be able to "fix" this problem by deleting the one in your target and deleting the one in your development "stack" .... then of course, you'd have to reload the target, do a couple of 'cleans', etc. ... stop eclipse and restart ... and then try again.

But, I do suspect it's safe to release ... the "batch build" doesn't have so many choices, and usually no "repeats" of plugins existing in two places.

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04/18/2007 10:03 PM

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[wtp-releng] PDE Tools->Create ANT File fails with message,        Unable to find plug-in..


For the past few builds, I have been getting an error when I try to do generate the build.xml from the org.eclipse.jsf.feature->feature.xml. I get the error:
Unable to find plug-in: org.eclipse.jst.jsf.doc.user_1.0.0.v20070404. Please check the error log for more details.

I have the last WTP build without the JSF project - I dispabled the feature, deleted all the jars, but I still see jsf plugins with the above version string. If I remove the doc feature from org.eclipse.jst.jsf.feature, I am able to generate the build.xml files. But I still get the same error when I try from org.eclipse.jsf.feature.

How do I debug this? The WTP build doesn't (seem to) run into this issue. So I am going to release for this week's build.


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