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[wtp-releng] PDE Tools->Create ANT File fails with message, Unable to find plug-in..


For the past few builds, I have been getting an error when I try to do generate the build.xml from the org.eclipse.jsf.feature->feature.xml. I get the error:
Unable to find plug-in: org.eclipse.jst.jsf.doc.user_1.0.0.v20070404. Please check the error log for more details.

I have the last WTP build without the JSF project - I dispabled the feature, deleted all the jars, but I still see jsf plugins with the above version string. If I remove the doc feature from org.eclipse.jst.jsf.feature, I am able to generate the build.xml files. But I still get the same error when I try from org.eclipse.jsf.feature.

How do I debug this? The WTP build doesn't (seem to) run into this issue. So I am going to release for this week's build.


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