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Re: [ve-dev] Bug in VE decoder helper?

The current CodeExpressionRef expects a decoder to generate a single AST _expression_.   You will have to replace the ExpressionParser that is used by this _expression_.

Dr. Gili Mendel
Software Development
RTP Raleigh, NC
(919)543 6408, tie: 441 6408

"Mark S. Millard" <mmillard@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: ve-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/27/2005 02:03 PM

Please respond to
Discussions people developing code for the Visual Editor project

[ve-dev] Bug in VE decoder helper?

I have a decoder helper for a “label” widget I’m writing. I have a “look” property that is being changed in the Property view.
The decoder helper is defined as follows:
public class LabelDecoderHelper extends SimpleAttributeDecoderHelper
    private static final String LOOK_TRY_EXCEPTION = "try {\n";
    private static final String LOOK_CATCH_EXCEPTION = "} catch (HInvalidLookException ex) {}";
    public LabelDecoderHelper(BeanPart bean, Statement exp, IJavaFeatureMapper fm, IExpressionDecoder owner)
        super(bean, exp, fm, owner);
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see[])
    public String generate(Object[] noArgs) throws CodeGenException
        String result = super.generate(noArgs);
        // Add a try/catch block for the HInvalidLookException.
        int idx = result.lastIndexOf(';') + 1;
        return LOOK_TRY_EXCEPTION + result.substring(0, idx) + LOOK_CATCH_EXCEPTION + result.substring(idx, result.length());
I would expect the final generated code to have the try/catch block surrounding the code generated by VE:
try {
label.setLook(new FillDecorator());
} catch (HInvalidLookException ex) {}
Instead, the catch code is truncated to:
try {
label.setLook(new FillDecorator());
I have tried different variations of the LOOK_CATCH_EXCEPTION string and the final code is always truncated, sometimes generating part of the LOOK_CATCH_EXCEPTION string (depending on what the string is).
Any help here is appreciated.
Mark S. Millard, Software Architect_______________________________________________
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