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RE: [ve-dev] Methods of BeanProxyAdapter

Hi Rich,


>>> RLK >>>

In our case, even the setting of other properties in the property sheet is
not propogated to the VM, although it is reflected in the model and code.
Only if we add a new widget to the canvas, the previously set property is
set on the bean in the VM and then canvas reflects the correct picture.

The only thing I can think of is that in your ULCButton proxy adapter you
had overridden the "applied" method and didn't do the necessary things that
applied does. That is why the recommendation is if you need to override (as
the javadoc indicates) is that you should override applySetting or one of
the other ones. The problem is if you override applied it doesn't do the
necessary checks that applied does, nor does it do the revalidate, and
without the revalidate it won't know the image has changed.

In our ULCComponentProxyAdapter.applied we are calling super.applied i.e.
(BeanProxyAdapter.applied) if the feature is not "visible", for "visible" we
just don't do anything.

In the debugger I checked that while setting a property,
beanProxyAdapter.notifyChanged calls  applied and then the expression is

Where in the VM can I check when the expression is invoked? i.e. where do I
put the breakpoint in the VM code to see that expression invoked from IDE is
executed in the VM?

>> RLK >>>
2. In a variable of type ExpressionProxy, what should one be looking for to
find out the corresponding BeanProxy it represents on the target VM?
Basically how does one examine the expression proxy? what should one look

-- RLK What is it you are looking for? The expression proxy has no idea what
the real bean proxy is until the expression has been invoked. And after it
has been invoked the expression proxy is disposed. That is why we add
listeners to the expression proxy. The listeners are called when the
expression proxy is resolved to the real bean proxy at a later time.


In the ExpressionProxy variable, where do I look for all the methods that
are going to be executed and the proxy on which they are going to be

Thanks and regards,


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