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Re: [udig-dev] Disposal of raster readers

Morning Peilke:

That is interesting, the use of reader dispose() may be a workflow miss understanding on my part. If the geoserver catalog is holding onto the reader it should not call dispose() until after it is done use; and should recreate it as needed.

The codehaus issue tracker is shutdown, we have been able to rescue the previously reported issues here:

I think we should best consder that an archive :(

There is an active issue tracker here: 

Jody Garnett

On 8 June 2015 at 07:38, Peilke, Hendrik <hendrik.peilke@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:



by trying to give native support for imagemosaic to uDig, I stumbled over some places where AbstractGridCoverage2DReader.dispose() is called from inside uDig code (styling pages, getMetric implementation of AbstractRasterServiceInfo). We worked around the getMetric by overwriting, but this is not a solution for uDig. All other raster datastores seem to have no problem with disposing and then reading again (which is interesting and documented? Needed?), but the imagemosaic plugin from geotools has, because it’s dropping its catalog and rastermanager and throwing an exception on a next read. Would the solution be to make the geotools plugin reinitialize on another read or think of alternatives on calling dispose inside udig?


Btw. does uDig have an active bugtracking system (bugzilla link from locationtech page?), I would like to report some errors, so that fixes we’ve made can be better tracked or is this too much work for the project members?




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