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Re: [udig-dev] udig sprint master

Hi Jody, Frank,

I'd be happy to help anyway I can and if the meeting is at a good time I can likely join as well. I'm in GMT-5 (Eastern Time) in Canada. One thing to note though is it's a holiday in Canada this coming Monday.

Regarding the custom JRE I have a bug open about getting it setup on the build servers [1]. I will see if I can get it done early next week.




On 09/10/13 05:47 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
Frank briefly said hi on IRC, and pointed out which I assume is the results of the above script!

Um ... like wow!

I agree that we need to get on skype or google hangout, bring these different efforts together and get our build working :) Frank would you like to propose a time?

Thanks for amazing legwork Frank and Thanh ... I will hopefully get over jet lag shortly.

Jody Garnett

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everybody,

Thanks for starting to refactor to org.locationtech namespace.

I had a look at the locationtech_ip branch and was wondering about the folder names for plugins and features which are still in the "old-style". However, eclipse project names within .project files are old-style as well. I assume locationtech_ip branch isn't the right branch, is it?

I investigated a bit and managed to get a running shell script which:
* renames folders
* updates .project files
* update feature.xml files (referenced plugins)
* updated pom.xml (artifact id's and referenced modules)
* update MANIFEST.MF files (required bundles and import packages

It doesn't change the feature/plugin/product ID's yet. I guess we need an other verifying script that checks for "refraction" occurrences in the codebase of meta-files.
Oh, and it doesn't change the sub-folder structures of java package folders (net/refractions/udig --> org/locationtech). Have you achieved it with both ways (A and B)? Where can I find your migration scripts or the results, any other branch available to review and test? 
However, I saved the script at (sorry for missing comments)

Thanh Ha created a pull request ( for similar changes for some modules... 

And would like to share a screen with you guys next week to check/improve the migration. Suggestions/Opinions?



PS: BTW, I have access to the hudson build box, lets have a try for our "org.locationtech" namespace branch with and preconfigured JRE taken from

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