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Re: [udig-devel] Problem with Spaces in Filenames

Afternoon Emily:

While I have not had a chance to test, I have run into similar problems previously.

There are two candidates:

1) The code that writes the catalog out to disk, and reads is back in again performs some URL encoding/decoding.
2) Similar code is called when MapImpl is saved (as it wants to save out connection parameters for each of its layers)

I have sent emails tracing through these methods before, with notes ...

For now:

1. CatalogImpl.saveToFile calls
2. Which rewrites URLs to be relative:

URL relativeURL = URLUtils.toRelativePath(this.reference, url);
value = URLUtils.urlToString(relativeURL, true);

3. And then encodes:

value= URLEncoder.encode( value, ENCODING );

Similar code in restoreProperties performs the reverse.

Debug these two methods to see where things have gone astray?

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 7:28 AM, Emily Gouge <egouge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have a shapefile with a space in the file name ("my test.shp").  When I load this into uDig the first time it loads and displays fine. However when I close and re-open uDig the file is not displayed.  This warning message is printed:
"Trouble matching file for:file:/C:/data/SMART/SampleData/countries2/my%20test.shp#my%20test"

This problem only occurs when the space is in the file name.  If the space exists in one of the directory names I don't have any problems. Also, it is not specific to shapefiles; it also happens for raster files.

Can somebody confirm this behavior and perhaps point me to where I need to look to get it resolved?

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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