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[udig-devel] Obtaining Access to Eclipse Infrastructure

So how are we doing?

I have been collection tales of woe from all the developers struggling to obtain access, and have collected notes here:

The page describes the two sets of credentials (bugzilla and locationtech) and what services they let you sign into.


Andrea Antonello
Jesse Eichar
Jody Garnett
Frank Gasdorf
Emily Gouge
Mark Leslie
Mauricio Pazos

Waiting on webmaster

- Frank: waiting for webmaster to provision
- Mark: Waiting for webmaster to provision
- Mauricio: Waiting for webmaster to provision.

Waiting on you

- Kenneth: processing candidate paperwork - Received NCRF; individual; received ICQ; waiting for ICA, ECECF
- Craig: Processing candidate paperwork. - Received NCRF


- Naz Chan - voting in progress

(I managed to "nominate" Naz on the developer portal - He was missed during the initial project proposal.
If you would like an excuse to try out your access, sign in and vote for the nomination :-)

Jody Garnett

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