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Re: [udig-devel] 1.3.2 preflight checks

Good news from other front lines:

* successfully created jre with native support for JAI (1.3.0) and Image IO 1.1.0 for linux x86
* Got the following expected message (set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to external gdal-1.7.3, gdal_data taken from udig_home folder:
   "GDAL Native library loaded (version: 1.7.3)"
* not sure why, but the version number of the downloaded 1.3-SNAPSHOT is 1.3.1 in the "About Dialog"
* got a long Stacktrace from Classloader because of missing ArcSDE API -> improvement to show the warning without the stacktrace, only in debug mode?!

Before I upload anything a few questions:

1.1 Should we bundle gdal-1.7.3 native libs with gdalinfo into udig-home folder and set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH in scripts


1.2 should we not care about gdal natives because the user (should) know that it is an optional dependency and should be installed separately. uDig just provides a bridge (over imageio-ext to the supported gdal version - in this case 1.7.x)

2. Do we have a tgz file of the 1.6.0_25-b06 JRE somewhere for 32 linux (x86)? Could we temporary upload it to 

Cheers, Frank

2012/8/27 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
Can you try creating a new JRE (JRE for Linux) then?
I assume to create one on top of 1.6.0_25-b06!. Will create one today. How can I upload it? Do we use Refraction's svn to add/update download stuff?
It is a webdav folder; your credentials should be the same as for svn (or contact admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
For my part I updated uDig to load SLD 1.1 files (combined the drag and drop and shapefile sidecar SLD parsing code into one good one); and started going through the sample data.
I was able to confirm Emily's reported performance regression; and it is serious enough that we may need to hold the release :(
I read this thread and I was wondering too during the walkthrough tests. But I thought it was because of a one processor 512MB Ram Virtual Machine settings...
Nope I am pretty worried something is up. I am not sure I trust the lead Emily and I are following; I think a debugger / profiler combo is needed.


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