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Re: [udig-devel] 1.3.2 preflight checks

What a great team effort this week!

On Tuesday, 28 August 2012 at 6:33 AM, Frank Gasdorf wrote:

Good news from other front lines:
* successfully created jre with native support for JAI (1.3.0) and Image IO 1.1.0 for linux x86
Thanks - can I download that now? 
* Got the following expected message (set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to external gdal-1.7.3, gdal_data taken from udig_home folder:
   "GDAL Native library loaded (version: 1.7.3)"
* not sure why, but the version number of the downloaded 1.3-SNAPSHOT is 1.3.1 in the "About Dialog"
Fixed - good QA check! The file is "about.mappings" - wonder if we can get the deploy script to update (or generate this one). 
* got a long Stacktrace from Classloader because of missing ArcSDE API -> improvement to show the warning without the stacktrace, only in debug mode?!
My understanding is the user needs to supply arcade jars in order for that database to work; since this is expected often only "trace" such things in debug mode. Do you have the stack trace?
Before I upload anything a few questions:

1.1 Should we bundle gdal-1.7.3 native libs with gdalinfo into udig-home folder and set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH in scripts
If that works; I suspect we only placed things in jre/bin or ire/lib/i386 out of a lack of knowledge.

1.2 should we not care about gdal natives because the user (should) know that it is an optional dependency and should be installed separately. uDig just provides a bridge (over imageio-ext to the supported gdal version - in this case 1.7.x)
We try and operate out of the box; especially since (even if the user had GDAL installed) we would have some trouble to match version numbers with them. In a perfect world our shell script could check if the use has GDAL environmental variables set (and if so use them) and if not use the copy that ships with uDig?
2. Do we have a tgz file of the 1.6.0_25-b06 JRE somewhere for 32 linux (x86)? Could we temporary upload it to 
I don't understand the question? There is a file present already right?

Oh I see you want one that does not have GDAL I don't think that exists.  When bundling things up we download the latest java (

Aside: Indeed we could update to Java 7 across the board after this release as it is now available on mac (and this would allow mac users to function all the time; since mac does not ship with Java these days).


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