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Re: [udig-devel] uncertainty with imageio (gdal) NITF and HFA support

Hi Frank,
you can have a summary of typical extensions from this page:

imageio-ext tries to use these extensions as much as possible.
About NITF, long time ago I have asked GDAL people about suggested list of extensions for NITF CADRG formats and Even Roualt kindly provided me hints on this topic.
See the end of this mail with a "quote" of his reply.
NITF can contains jp2k compressed images but as you have reported, I think "jp2" or "j2k" won't be the proper extension.

About ErdasImg (HFA) I agree with you.
"dt0", "dt1" and "dt2" are related to DTED (A different format).
As you have reported, ".img" should be the proper one for ErdasImg

Hope this helps.
Regards, Daniele

My question about NITF format was:
I'm interested in CADRG format extensions. Which file extensions exist for the NITF CADRG format?

Quoting from Even reply:
To answer exactly to your question, you can have a look at the
frmts/nitf/nitffile.c file in the GDAL source tree, in particularly the
array 'nitfSeries' at the end of the file. The first column gives the first 2
letters of the possible extensions. If you add as the third character the
figures from 1 to 9 (corresponding to the 9 ARC zones), you'll have all the
possible extensions.  So you have .gn1 to .gn9, .on1 to .on9, .jn1
to .jn9, .tp1 to .tp9, .jg1 to .jg9, .ja1 to .ja9, .tl1 to .tl9, etc... (from
my experience, these are the extensions that'll cover 90% of the typical
available CADRG products)

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hallo List,

I stumbled a bit while I reviewed the imageio code:

- What are the supported file extensions for NITF? I assumed that
would be *.on1,*.on2,*.on5
- In the catalog.imagio ImageServiceExtension class I found the following lines:

                               factories.put(driverCode, new NITFFormatFactory());
 I guess the fileExtensions.put() line is wrong. IMHO

- I tested to add a NTIF layer (Add Data Wizard -> Files) with the
file 001zc013.on1 (downloaded from It was selectable but
the wizard cant be finished...

In addition to the NITF Format the HFA Driver seems to be wrong ether:

                       // HFA
                               factories.put(driverCode, new ErdasImgFormatFactory());
                               fileExtensions.put(driverCode,Arrays.asList("dt0","dt1", "dt2"));

which should properly look like this

                       // HFA
                               factories.put(driverCode, new ErdasImgFormatFactory());

Can anybody help to clarify? Thanks a lot!
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Software Engineer

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 962313


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