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Re: [udig-devel] Problem compiling udig for the first time

The current sources from git master requires 3.7.x and the
DefaultScope.INSTANCE problem will work with the current Eclipse
Modeling Tools.

2011/12/19 Can Baldan <mcbaldan@xxxxxx>:
> Hello Jody,
> I am using java 6, and it shows up as 1.6 when I look up the java compiler
> from properties (I could not find java 6 listed anywhere).
> The eclipse version is 3.6.2.
> When I type [DefaultScope.], INSTANCE does not show up.
> ToolsPlugin is not recognized to begin with...
> I will install eclipse 3.7.0
> Thanks,
> Can
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Morning Can:
>> I was working on those instructions yesterday due to some questions.
>> However it is looking like it is tripping up over perhaps a difference in
>> version of Java?
>> Things to look for:
>> - Can I ask you what version of Java you are using; sometimes it shows up
>> as "JRE System Library [...]" in the Package Explorer?
>> - Go over the compiler settings? Is it set for Java 6? We used to ask
>> people explicitly set this; but since people use Java 6 now it shows up as
>> the default?
>> - What version of Eclipse? I have some reports on the GeoTools project of
>> people getting new creative compile errors around generics (i.e. exactly
>> your problem) using the latest Eclipse 3.7.1 ?
>> As an example the NavigationPreferenceInitializer is very short and
>> compiles with out error for me:
>> public class NavigationPreferenceInitializer extends
>> AbstractPreferenceInitializer {
>>     @Override
>>     public void initializeDefaultPreferences() {
>>         Preferences node = DefaultScope.INSTANCE.getNode(ToolsPlugin.ID);
>> <--- LINE 17
>>         node.putBoolean(NavigationToolPreferencePage.SCALE,false);
>>         node.putBoolean(NavigationToolPreferencePage.TILED,false);
>>     }
>> }
>> That code is very simple so I am hard pressed to see where the problem is?
>> But I suppose that will make it easier to fix ...
>> Could you check DefaultScope.INSTANCE - is that showing up for you?
>> Could you check ToolsPlugin.ID and check that it exists?
>> Other than that drop by on IRC and we can try and help?
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Friday, 16 December 2011 at 12:12 AM, Can Baldan wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> Sorry I am a newbie in the udig developer world. I have completed all the
>> steps except "running the main application"
>> at
>> I have been getting compile errors
>> ----------------------------
>> INSTANCE cannot be resolved or is not a field
>> /net.refractions.udig.tool.default/src/net/refractions/udig/tools/internal
>> line 17 Java Problem
>> INSTANCE cannot be resolved or is not a field
>> / line
>> 16 Java Problem
>> The method getServiceReference(String) in the type BundleContext is not
>> applicable for the arguments (Class<PreferencesService>)
>> /eu.udig.catalog.csw/src/eu/udig/catalog/csw line 18
>> Java Problem
>> The type ServiceReference is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with
>> arguments <PreferencesService>
>> /eu.udig.catalog.csw/src/eu/udig/catalog/csw line 18 Java Problem
>> ----------------------------
>> At
>> The probable reasons for build errors are listed as
>> --------------------------------------
>> Manifest.MF
>> Occasionally (after downloading the jars) the MANIFEST.MF file will still
>> list errors. There are three main categories of errors.
>> New Jars
>> The maven repository has newer jars then the ones listed in the
>> MANIFEST.MF - normally a uDig developer will update the list of jars on the
>> runtime tab and commit the result - but you may be the first developer to
>> notice!
>> Open the MANIFEST.MF runtime tab
>> Find the list of runtime jars - all except the first library.jar and
>> delete them all
>> Use the Add button; navigate to the lib folder; and select all the jars
>> the refresh.xml script downloaded
>> When you Save the MANIFEST.MF file; the java ".classpath" file will be
>> recreated and all these new jars you identified will be placed on the
>> CLASSPATH when compiling or running
>> Stale Packages
>> Specific Packages are no longer available and show up as errors.
>> This occurs (after the ".classpath" is updated and we have clue about what
>> is in the jars) when a jar from the internet has removed or renamed a
>> package; or when a jar is no longer in used (and thus the packages it
>> supplied are no longer available to be published).
>> You can go through the MANIFEST.MF and remove each problem package; or you
>> can right click on the the plugin and choose *PDE Tools > Organized
>> Manifest". This will attempt to publish all the packages that are found on
>> the .classpath
>> Duplicate Jars
>> Duplicate jars show up (usually after you have run refresh.xml more then
>> once)
>> This occurs when jars from the internet are updated with a newer version;
>> you can either delete the older version; or run the refresh.xml "full build"
>> target which removes the lib folder and downloads everything from scratch
>> ----------------------------------------
>> And
>> at
>> Further potential problems are listed:
>> subversion update - is everything up to date?
>> net.refractions.udig.libs - is everything downloaded?
>> net.refractions.udig.core - is libs exporting everything needed?
>> net.refractions.udig.catalog
>> net.refractions.udig.project
>> Build errors indicating that JAI is missing - is default compatible JRE
>> with enabled JAI for J2SE-1.5 set?
>> --------------------------------------
>> I really need a jumpstart here, I have no clue so far about what exactly
>> might the problem(s) might be. Would anybody have suggestions?
>> Thank you in advance...
>> Can
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>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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>> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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