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[udig-devel] More tycho goodness

Hello All,

I've been otherwise occupied at work and haven't had much of a chance to do any development on the Maven+Tycho build.

However, that all changed on Monday as I have finally had broadband installed at home.

So, over the past 12 hours, I've been working with jgarnett to get the jUnit Plugin tests working as part of the Tycho build.

Although preliminary, I have committed my initial work, however I still have to fix a bug under MacOS caused by tests fighting over the UI thread.

Would someone with a Windows boxen be able to pull the latest from HEAD and test with:

  mvn install -Ptest


In theory, you should see "net.refractions.udig.ui.tests" start an SWT test harness and test a heap of stuff.

Under MacOS, this is currently broken and I am working to fix it.


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