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Re: [udig-devel] handling GML files with uDig?


I'm picking up the thread below, because I've bumped into some problems
using the geotools GML library for parsing GML files, and I got no
response from regarding this issue on the geotools mailing list. As you
suggested to use geotools below, you might have more insight into this.

here is the issue I run into:

I'm trying to go through the code samples privded here:
in particular, the GML3 parsing code sample, and when running the code,
I get the following warnings, during the call to

Nov 25, 2011 1:01:30 PM
org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder add
WARNING: Creating location with null CoordinateReferenceSystem - did you
mean to setCRS?
Nov 25, 2011 1:01:30 PM
org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder add
WARNING: Creating geom with null CoordinateReferenceSystem - did you
mean to setCRS?

this is despite the fact that I have called
gml.setCoordinateReferenceSystem() earlier - see the complete code
sample at the end of the e-mail.

looking at the source code of GML.decodeFeatureCollection() in the
geotools-8.0-M3 codebase, I find that indeed, the while
gml.setCoordinateReferenceSystem() sets the crs property in the GML
object, the decodeFeatureCollection() call does not use the crs property.

am I doing something wrong here? what would be the proper way to parse a
GML file?


PS: the code I used was the following, based on the code in the
documentation page:

File file = ...
InputStream xml = new FileInputStream(file);
GML gml = new GML(Version.GML3);
simpleFeatureCollection fc = gml.decodeFeatureCollection(xml);

the test data I used is the three point test GML3 data found in the
documentation page

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