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Re: [udig-devel] uDig RFC Eclipse Foundation

Could someone please help me understand if there's a single copyright holder of uDig code, or if it's many - approximately how many?
The intension is to have a single copyright holder (i.e. Refractions) so the project steering committee has the ability to change the license if needed. It was viewed as easier than trying to hunt down many contributors (something which has hampered the PostGIS project; we try to learn from the mistakes of others).

Also, the LGPL dependencies used by uDig may cause some challenges. LGPL, while a liberal license, has some pro-reverse engineering language that scares big companies. For this reason, it is my understanding LGPL is discouraged at the Eclipse Foundation (I may be understating this).
My understanding is LGPL is fine; GPL is where the conflicts start. Indeed we have been over this ground at great length. The uDig project makes use of several LGPL libraries (GeoTools and JTS being the main ones).
I believe GPL is strictly forbidden for Eclipse projects.
It is; we have checked; and we do not have any GPL code.

Let us know if you need any help,

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