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Re: [udig-devel] uDig RFC Eclipse Foundation

To be honest, I would lean towards EPL if we join the foundation, in order to follow their path. I am quite sure that those that chose LGPL are perfectly happy with EPL also, it is just that it is not common to consider EPL outside of eclipse based projects.

But obviously the last word lies with the copyright holders, I am just giving my 2cents here.

I was at Refractions when we chose a license; it is as outlined in the wiki page. We did not feel comfortable with the CPL license in 2004 as non of our customers had heard of the license at that time.

The market (and the growth of the eclipse foundation) has changed to the point where I am sure EPL would be acceptable to the the steering committee. Anyone making use of uDig is already using EPL components; so it has no net change on the number of licences a contributor must consider when taking part in the project.


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