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Re: [udig-devel] Next release

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On 09/12/2010, at 6:22 PM, andrea antonello wrote:

> Ok, I can help out on this, but it won't be easy I think.
> Here a quick list of issues we found while using this last builds. I
> will put them into JIra at some point:
> - tableview: CQL filter doesn't seem to work, also not every chosen
> field works (to be tested better)

Is this any different from 1.2.0? If so it will be a merry bug chase.
(I would like to get a JIRA for this and put together a wiki page with a short list of things needed for 1.2.1)

> - deleted features do not disappear from map (only after zooming or panning)

I always seem to run into this kind of issue; once again I am interested if it is a change from 1.2.1.
(It is a balance between trying to redraw part of the screen only, for performance, vs forcing a redraw of everything.
 I think we could just update the delete tool to force a full layer.refresh( null ) )

> - the save buttons are always disabled
> - the rollback button doesn't work

That sounds annoying - and related. indeed I am not sure what between 1.2.0 and now would of effected this. I believe save/rollback are
enabled based on a datastore wrapper being applied; any call to addFeatures, update or deletefeatures ends up enabling the functionality. We also tried listening to the datastore so that any datastore even indicating a change would enable these buttons)

> For this release I would prefer concentrate on the new raster parts I
> added from JGrass and on the new style editor.

Fair enough.

> Jody, what exactly means: waiting on imageio-ext for a formal 2.7.0?

GeoTools 2.7 was at release candidate stage from my point of view back in June. Imageio-ext is expecting a new version out, based on the latest GDAL, in particular for performance improvements used for the wms shootout). We wanted to wait for this release (and update the jre we use) once for the entire 2.7.x series - but making a release is dependent on GeoSoutions having
a break between paid work I imagine (and they are popular guys).

> Also I will have to take the gt-grassrasters to some gt release and
> out of supported (or for now we just leave it as SNAP).

I need to understand that; as long as it is in the -Dall profile it will be released to maven (so we can use it). It can still
be unsupported (and now available as part of the official geotools bundle to download).

> Let's get organised, any volunteer is gladly accepted.
> Jody, I might be off the whole next week for a course (not confirmed yet). Going for a Xmas release?

Let us plug away at it; sorry I have been too busy to contribute much for the last several months :-)


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