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[udig-devel] Custom App Tutorial

Yeah questions - I am going to make an RC3 next week so documentation changes / feedback is well timed.

On 08/05/2010, at 7:41 AM, Rueben Schulz wrote:

> Custom App tutorial (custom.product)
> -------------------
> My first attempt at this (using 1.2 RC2 on windows) produced an application
> that could not open images. It turned out I needed to change the Run
> Configuration / Arguments / VM arguments to:
> -Xmx386M -Dosgi.parentClassloader=ext -Dorg.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePl
> ugin.doNotLoadResourcesPlugin=true
> This is the same as for udig.product. I haven't done any further research as
> to what the exact problem was (gdal libraries not being found presumably),

I know about the -Dosgi.parentClassloader=ext one - we need that so that geotools can see the JRE extensions (Java Advanced Imaging and Java ImageIO). By default osgi is very protective and does not allow access to JRE extensions!

I am not sure about the doNotLoadResourcesPlugin one? Where id you find that?

Finally you should not have to change the arguments; it should be defined as part of your custom "product" as per the workbook instructions. 

One of the bonus workbook instructions describes how you should package a "jre" folder in your produced custom application (in order to not be effected by whatever java your user has installer).

FInally we have move the Custom App Tutorial into the public svn:

Formally it was hiding with the commercial training materials in a private repository for academics or people taking a course.


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