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[udig-devel] Custom App, Catalog, Image rendering speed Questions


There are a few uDig items that I cannot figure out (please see my previous
email for a description of what I am doing). I also have a comment about the
Custom App tutorial.

Custom App tutorial (custom.product)

My first attempt at this (using 1.2 RC2 on windows) produced an application
that could not open images. It turned out I needed to change the Run
Configuration / Arguments / VM arguments to:

-Xmx386M -Dosgi.parentClassloader=ext -Dorg.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePl

This is the same as for udig.product. I haven't done any further research as
to what the exact problem was (gdal libraries not being found presumably),

Layer on map and Catalog

Adding an image layer to a map (in my case the map is in a View) "helpfully"
adds the image to the uDig Catalog (done by LayerFactory.createLayer()).
This is not desirable, since I have lots of overlapping, oblique images to
deal with. As a temporary solution I am removing the layer from the catalog
after I am done with it.

Is there an easy way to add an image to a map without it showing up in the

Alternatively, is there a way to group images into a "Folder" within the
Catalog (like MapGraphics under Decoration)? This way I wouldn't have 10s or
100s of images cluttering up the Catalog.

Image rendering speed up

When I add an image (.jpg with world file) layer to a map it is taking 5-7
seconds to get the image rendered onto the map. Once it is there
zooming/panning is quite snappy.

Is there any way to speed this up or pre-load images? Eventually I will be
adding the ability to load the next image as users pan to the edge of the
current image. It would be nice if the switching of images happened quickly.

Thank you,

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