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[udig-devel] GeoTools confusion when upgrading from 1.1.1 to 1.2M6 SDK

Hi list,

my project is using uDig 1.1.1 SDK and I'm starting to check if we can upgrade to 1.2. I've downloaded 1.2M6SDK and the only thing I still have to fix is my code where I directly work with GeoTools. Creating temporary layers, filters, SLD, .. Since the 'old' uDig uses GeoTools 2.3 or 2.4 (?) and the API has changed I have some hundreds compile errors but this shouldn't be a problem. Nevertheless the confusion starts here: Is uDig 1.2 using stable GeoTools 2.5 or relying on GeoTools 2.6 that is itself still in development?

For example I have to replace code fragments where I create new feature types:

FeatureTypeBuilder featureBuilder = FeatureTypeBuilder.newInstance(featureName); featureBuilder.addType(AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(GEOMETRY_IDENTIFIER, typeContributor.getPhenomenonType().getGeometry(), true,Integer.MAX_VALUE, null,DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84));

The GeoTools 2.5.7 guide [1] describes as one solution the usage of SimpleTypeBuilder but the api documentation [2] doesnt' contain a SimpleTypeBuilder. Weird. Is there a help page for developers upgrading to the new uDig version and having trouble with the changes of GeoTools?

Thank you,


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