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Re: [udig-devel] netcdf in catalog view

>> I am starting to suspect that you are going to want:
>> - a global slider for time
>> - a style page for time; in which the user can choose "the default"
>> which is the global slider; or a specific time - kind of like
>> "pinning" a layer in time
> That is exactly what should be there.
>> Now if the verticle axis is actually different quanitities (say one
>> file has elevation and another file has pressure) then we will need to
>> provide the user different controls to fiddle with.
>> We need to break out that wireframe tool :-)
> I am starting to get afraid that this might explode. :)

Okay "stop drop and roll"
- stop thinking up problems we do not have right now
- drop crazy ui ideas to solve problems we do not have yet
- roll on getting us netCDF reading so we can do live experimenting :-)

PS. Do you have "stop drop and roll" as a saying in Italy?

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