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[udig-devel] Re: udig libs refresh.xml OSGEO repository cleanups

Okay we are back in the game; the refresh.xml script will now check
two repositories:
- osgeo for stable jars
- opengeo for nightly snapshot jars

I had one problem getting the mysql support to compile; the mysql
datastore does not have a SCHEMA parameter resuling in a compile
error; for now I am using null.

So the build is safe; that was a real trial to get going again :-(

I would like to make a milestone release based on this; also covering recent:
- file path fixes
- labeling fixes

I would also love to get a switch in there to allowing Simon to try
out the jdbc-ng implementation of Oracle support.


> Good afternoon:
> I have been catching our net.refractions.udig.libs refresh.xml script
> up with the latest. The latest breakdown of maven repository
> organizations....
> # used for stable releases
> updateSnapshotURL=
> # used for snapshot releases
> updateStableURL=
> Both are required so we can pick up stable dependencie, like
> spatialdbbox-1.0, even when we are making use of geotools SNAPSHOTS.
> As per the email below; I cannot find all the artifacts we are used
> to; so the build is broken right now. I suspect the SNAPSHOT entries
> are being generated with a unique version; making it hard to have our
> MANIFEST.MF keep in sync. For the ones that are working I expect they
> grabbed a SNAPSHOT off my local drive...
> As an example of a failure is oracle-spatial:
> stable:
> snapshot:
> It looks like a date stamp is being added.
> logs from running refresh.xml
> Copying C:\Users\Jody\.m2\repository\org\geotools\gt-oracle-spatial\2.6-SNAPSHOT\gt-oracle-spatial-2.6-20090509.063137-57.jar
> to C:\java\udig\trunk\plugins\net.refractions.udig.libs\lib\gt-oracle-spatial-2.6-20090509.063137-57.jar
> Jody
> On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> This may be something for Justin - not sure.
>> I tried switching over to the opengeo repository today (to grab
>> snapshot releases) and was unable to obtain 2.6-SNAPSHOTs for:
>> - gt-gml
>> -gt-mif
>> - gt-mysql
>> - gt-oracle-spatial
>> - gt-process
>> - gt-wps
>> And our old friend without source code:
>> - spatialdbbox-1.0
>> I am not sure if switching back will help me?
>> Jody

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