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Re: [udig-devel] Complex Features

> Hmm, that sounds good.
> Can you give me some more details where to look? Is the complex feature
> support in Geotools trunk, or on a working branch, or somewhere else in the
> Geoserver repository?

I believe Ben has committed something to trunk here:

In the folder "sample-data-access".

> So if the availability of test data is really a major blocker, I think I
> could come up with a simple data model for complex features (pun intended)
> and fill it with data compiled from OSM. (And I do not mean a simple
> relational rehash of the OSM data model which provides almost no semantics -
> I'm thinking of a schema modelling roads, junctions, road and place names
> and admin hierarchies.)

Now you are talking; a high value data set that we could use to drive
adoption :-)


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