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Re: [udig-devel] Issue tracker proceedure and protocol ideas for distributed workload

On Mar 8, 2009, at 8:12 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

Hi Eric - since you started your idea as a reply to a thread on getting organized for this weekends code sprint we are getting people a little confused. The question I was answering was about the existing workings of Jira. Silvia was asking how to help; and if a priority had been set fo issues needing testing.


I do not feel I effectively answered her question; there are a lot of issues that need testing; and we will not be able to take stock of the answer until we have completed reviewing all the issues.

Eric Jarvies wrote:
Yes, these all make sense to me, but are not what I am referring to.
Understood; I was answering Silvia's question - we can return to your email thread about organizing our issue workflow if you like (but right now the two email threads are getting confused; and making organization for this weekend difficult).

I also note that this page is really good and describes a few new issue states that may be of interest to Eric:

I understand the JIRA and it's intended functionality. What i have been referring to is the human element/side of things. I have suggested that we create a human rule system that specifically handles tickets... both bugs and feature requests. Whilst also suggesting we get rid of the complex clutter.
Understood my general feedback still stands:
- we can document our rule system in Jira (so the tool will help us once we know what we want). I have two examples where projects have added a workflow with additional steps similar to what you described. - testing on multiple platforms may be beyond our abilities except on a case by case basis - the open source "relesae early release often" may have to act as a substitute for lack of dedicated testers. - the difference between fixing a bug and fixing a bug and making a build is around 1/2 day (and a lot of waiting for files to upload) while all developers (and indeed anyone) can make a release following the procedure in our wiki I am not sure this is an effective way to roll out a single change. I would rather make a uDig release every month (or every two weeks) than expect this of our developer community

If we had a working development version, wherein each time a bug is addressed, the app is built, would provide uDig with a clear point of filtration. The idea is to be current on current events, in a collaborative fashion.

What I am missing here is not your individual suggestions; but what you are wanting to accomplish with them (right now the amount of work you document would preclude me from working on uDig). So I feel I am missing something ...

Sorry. I've been trying to put my finger on it, really :) I just want to be able to 'help' in a way that does not require concurrent dependancy on you, or others, but rather in a concurrent manner, like a 'hot potato' being passed around in such a way that when time and energy permits for each of us, we can dedicate ourselves accordingly. When the hot potato has been throw by you, you know you do need need to mess with it until it happens to be thrown back at you. So, if you have time to fix one/somemany bugs, and you create a build, and toss it back at me/us, then you need not pay attention to it until such a time I have spent time checking/testing it, and putting it through it's rounds, either finding additional fault, and passing it back to you, or finding resolve, and proceeding to administrate the closing of the ticket, not having to involve you in the process.

For example;
JIRA >  uDig > tools and editing:
UDIG-186: zoom speeds should be set as a preference
UDIG-255: Info Area Tool Requested
UDIG-332: Magnifying Glass Tool
(add many more here).

Let's assume Jesse Eichar just filed the 'zoom speeds should be set as a preference' ticket. instead of you, or other active programmers spending your valuable time with this ticket at this point, it should be handed off to someone like myself, who would first make sense of the ticket. I read this ticket as having adjustable settings under File > Preferences > . I would contact Jesse and clarify if what I interpreted is what he was referring to(or not). Upon clarification I would then create any visuals(if needed), and add any descriptions or instructions(if needed), and then I would pass it to each of the uDig active programmers, explaining to each/all what the ticket(in this case, a feature request) is asking, and would ask the uDig programmers to confirm their understanding of such, and to provide me with feedback as it relates to time involved, if there are conditions or contingencies based on other features/functions, and so on.

So the above ticket becomes: 'New Preference Menu called Zoom Settings' and it should look like this:

JPEG image

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