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[udig-devel] Join the 10-minutes bugs code sprint!

Dear community of udig developers and users.

We are delighted to propose you the 10 minutes bug sprint!!

_What is the 10 minutes code sprint?_

A code sprint in which bugs and feature requests will be fixed that
are supposed to take only 10 minutes to the involved developer (in a
perfect world).

_What will it gain?_

Many small bugs fixed that make users very happy.
Lots of satisfaction for the developers that are involved that will
smash lots of bugs.
A nice and clean JIRA list.
All in all a happy community.

_When will it be?_

The sprint cover Saturday and Sunday the 14th and 15th, as usual,
all-around-the-world, with Sydney giving the good start push. :)

We set up a page on the osgeo wiki, please visit it for further information:

Join and enjoy,
The PSC of uDig

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