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Re: [udig-devel] Re: Renderers being cached

Thanks Emily - you rock!

I have added a remove method to the IBlackboard interface so that we can actually clean up entries on the style blackboard. I will try the updated code to call this remove method and let you know how it works out.

However I am still a little confused; because after a re-open the map would change its mind about what renderer to display? Oh wait I see it now; "saving" the color had an exception prior to the event notification being sent out - so the map never got a chance to clean in.

I will learn to write defencive code I will!

Emily Gouge wrote:
Jody, I think I've fixed this. It has nothing to do with renderers; it was related to

In the save method it assumed that the value was a not null color; however the class you tried to set the value of the ColorStyle to null. This was causing an error that I think caused the problem you saw.

I added an "if color != null" check in the save function of the class; hopefully this will fix your issue.


Emily Gouge wrote:
Hello Jody,

Does this renderer selection problem occur in both the tiled and non-tiled rendering systems? Are you using one of the tutorial examples to test; or do you have a specific example you could send me?

I shouldn't be holding on to renderers specifically in the tiled system; however I do hold onto tiles. So if you zoom in; then zoom back out it may be displaying the previously rendered tiles. I thought there was an event to clear tiles when styles change but there may not be.

No, no progress on the mapgraphic front; although I haven't had much time to look at it. Everything I've tried has failed and I keep coming back to needing to know in the rendering system if the layer I'm rendering is a mapgraphic or not.


Jody Garnett wrote:
Hi Emily:
I am having some trouble with renderer selection on trunk; it feels like some class is holding onto the renderer that was selected. So when I change the contents of the style blackboard (in order to use a different renderer)
it is *never* chosen; something is holding onto the first renderer.

Closing the Map and opening it again solves the problem!

I suspect you started holding on to this information in order to optimize the tiled rendering system? I also wonder if you have made any progress with
using mapgraphics on the tiled renderer?


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