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Re: [udig-devel] Updates to the ViewportPane Interface

I've committed these changes along with my new scoll pan tool. This tool when used in conjunction with the tile rendering system provides a smoother panning experience and will also load tiles as you pan around the map.


Jody Garnett wrote:
I had a review over Emily's work; and asked her to move the viewportpane.isPanning() method into a viewportmodel.isBoundsChanging() method.

The idea is that her RenderManager can make a different choice about what tiles to fetch when
getting a bounds event based on this isBoundsChanging() method.

My understanding is that Emily will just check for new tiles when isBoundsChanging() is true.

For reference we considered:
- a pre/post event split - similar to how ISelectionService has addSelectionChanged and addPostSelectionChange methods (in order to handle a similar issue when keys or mouse clicks are used to change the selection in a list)
- BoundedRangeModel (from JSlider) which uses a isModelAdjusting flag


Emily Gouge wrote:
I'm working on a new pan tool that uses the scroll functionality of the canvas to provide a smoother user experience and allow for new tiles to be drawn on the screen as you pan (if you are using the tiled rendering system).

In order to do this I need to make a few additions to the ViewportPane Interface. The function additions are all related to panning and allow the viewport pane to know if it is being panned and perform specific updates when it is panned.

Can somebody review before I commit these changes?

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