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Re: [udig-devel] Foss4G summary for me

You are correct Adrian. I meant them as possibilities but it definately comes across as if they were decisions. That is what happens when you are in a rush. Thanks for the correction.


On 7-Oct-08, at 7:21 AM, Adrian Custer wrote:

Jesse Eichar wrote:
Hi all,

I am on vacation for a week but I thought I would fire off a quick summary of Foss4G for those who are interested:

Geotools a plan has been drafted to try to manage the forking that has been taking place in that project (final approval will naturally be a long time coming) The Geotools code base is going to be split into a number of small projects The Geotools name will be used to describe the set of "Geotools projects"
The first projects that will be created are:
Referencing Project
Metadata Project
Coverage Project
Main Project
The Referencing, Metadata and Coverage project will be maintained by Geomatys and will have a Java 1.6 and Java 1.5 versions The "Main" Project will be the current Geotools without the Metadata and Referencing modules. It will depend on those modules. As a result of this there will be 2 Coverage implementations to choose from
Hey all,

This summary of Geotools happening is not quite right from what I understand---in general, these were possibilities rather than decisions. Justin is crafting an email for the geotools-devel list to summarize the discussion we had, the decisions we did take, and the decisions we could not take without talking to the full geotools community.

Please note that nothing can change for a month or more until the referencing layer of geotidy is finished. This leaves lots of time for discussion and exploration of various solutions.

Also, while we have reached a possible plan for metadata and referencing, we have not yet devised any plan for the coverage module. The two coverage module situation may arise down the road but is not yet a real issue. There *are* already two or three implementations of coverage input/output classes since we don't yet have a fully general interface leaving each to craft their own. However, coverage itself appears still to be shared.

all the best,
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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