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Re: [udig-devel] Server-sided udig

Jody Garnett said:
> That is very fun !

It is! :-)

> The last person do do something similar used the uDig rendering engine
> to generate images for BIRT reports. If you would like to write an
> article or anything for the uDig website it would be a fun use case to
> document.

As said, it was hardly any work at all, the whole thing simply worked!
It's basically an Activator, a Servlet and a handler for GetCapabilities
and GetMap. I think the code can be made available.

> As for the code change; I cannot think of a good reason why
> PlatformGIS.syncInDisplay was used there...


> Jody


> Ugo Taddei wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> this is so cool, I thought I'd share it with you.
>> We've managed to set up an environment in which udig runs as a server.
>> Currently we're using it for map generation. That is, we take WMS
>> requests and forward it to udig, which renders and delivers the map.
>> In other words, we're written a uDig WMS without writing hardly any
>> code at all! (In practice, our project has other requirements on the
>> server - dynamic styles, dynamic layers - but that's already a good
>> start.)
>> The whole stuff is running in Eclipse's OSGi container. We also use
>> uDig as an authoring tool to "set up the WMS", that is, define the
>> layers and their styles. From that on, the osgi bundle takes control,
>> and delivers maps without you noticing it's not a "real" WMS. (Off
>> course, not all operations are implemented and thus, it's not an
>> OGC-conform WMS, at least not yet :-)
>> The only thing we changed in the code was a call in
>> ProjectRegistryImpl.getProject(URI):
>> PlatformGIS.syncInDisplayThread(new Runnable() { ...
>> was substituted by a
>>   Runnable run = new Runnable() {
>> ...
>> };
>> new Thread(run).start();
>> as there's no display and the method
>> PlatformGIS.syncInDisplayThread(new Runnable) never returns (I think).
>> So far only tested on Windows XP, Eclipse 3.4.1, and the JRE from the
>> udig site. Target platform will be Linux. If you want more details,
>> please let me know.
>> Anyway, my compliments for your guys. (Really, we only wrote a mini
>> servlet, all the code is yours!)
>> Cheers,
>> Ugo
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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