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[udig-devel] Re: [udig-users] SDK Feedback

I will download the SDK you made now and see if I can run the custom app tutorial. You also have Emily's contact info you need to reproduce this test on a windows box with out me.


Jesse Eichar wrote:
Well I'm glad problem was was solvable. Problem 2 is odd. I've checked the SDK against the error message and verified that the exact plugin is there. Seems something is getting in the way of it. It is similar to the error I got when using Gandymede. It complained that it couldn't find libs of all libraries! I'm not sure what to make of this.

On 22-Jun-08, at 8:38 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:

I found out that there were two problems; we should also be careful not to annoy our users list with developer chatter :-)

1st  problem
"Unable to find plug-in: org.eclipse.ui.views_3.2.101.M20070910-0900b. Please check the error log for more details"

Emily had used the plugin-in import trick to grab a couple of the core udig module into her workspace; this left uDig in a strange state when it tried to make the release.

Fix:  removed the copy of udig.ui form her workspace

2nd problem
"Unable to find plug-in: org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.1.R33x_v20080118. Please check the error log for more details.

Fix: made use of an SDK I had made from a windows machine
I spent 2 hours on this probably today. The delta pack is in the version sdk because I've been able to export windows and linux from OSX using 2 different eclipses. Although I tried a Gandymede version and that didn't work for me. I also checked and all the plugins (at least that I could see).

I suspect it is probably version problems, perhaps conflicts that happen to get resolved when you clobber things with the delta pack. I have changed the sdk build configuration slightly so that it exports a different sdk for each platform. You can try that out and see if that works better, They're at

If you can determine EXACTLY the plugins that are causing problems let me know
I tried to send you a screen snap with the exact error messages (a version number difference on equinox launcher; the SDK included one from 2008; my winter2 based eclipse had one from late 2007).
Maybe other "real" sdk users can let me know what magic they do to get things working as I don't actually use the SDKs.

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