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[udig-devel] Re: Shuffling the content of the German user guide

Jody typed:
> Initial testing for me shows two things:
> - I have an exception when closing the welcome screen; resetting the 
> perspective works
> - online help shows up as expected :-)
> - Note the english online help no longer is shown; although the "live 
> help" that links directly to the wiki is still shown.

Not sure I understand the last point and its implications.
Does this mean that whenever I link from the DE to the EN wiki space that these links will no longer work on the exported online help?
Would this mean that I have to use external (http) links instead. The latter would be possible, but I am not sure how fragile this solution is, that is, if the web address stays the same if a page is renamed for example.

Or am I misunderstanding your point completely?
Matthias Basler

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