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[udig-devel] Setting up a group of friends

There are two things to do, review how nested layers are handled for WMS (individual layers are represented in the catalog as IGeoResource objects). It sounds like you would like to introduce the concept of a "folder" that groups layers with similar names together (or is that similar titles?).

And the second answer is going to be a bit more tricky...

IGeoResources can have "friends" that service up the same information in a different form; I have long wanted to explore the idea of doing this for WFS - you will get to test if my design works for this scenario.

Let me first show you the power of "friends".
- start off with a basic geoserver install as per the walkthrough 2 instructions
- drag the WFS capabilities into the catalog
- drag the WMS capabilities into the catalog
- drag a wms layer onto the map
- select some content using the selection tool

Why did that work? Because the wms IGeoResource is associated with the wfs IGeoResource and they both contribute different data access API: - the WMS is used for rendering, the wms layer is drawn with the wms renderer - the selection tool makes use of the FeatureSource to select content, the selection is drawn with the feature type renderer

So here is how we can use this idea to solve your problem:
- set up the association so that any one of your wfs layers is friends with the others (you can use the geoserver wms / wfs case as an example), your association can be based on a specific title pattern if you want, does not matter - modify the wfs IGeoResource.getInfo() command to return information about what scale the resource is good for (once again using wms as an example) - modify the basic feature renderer; or perhaps copy it for an "scale feature renderer", to check the list of all geo resources associated with the layer, and select the one appropriate to the current scale.

Hi everyone,

we are looking for a way to manipulate information displayed in the "Layer
List". We connect to a WFS, that provides layers with varying detail, depending
on the current scale. This behaviour is handled by the service and works fine.
In the "Layer List", however, all layers are enumerated (e.g. 1:50,000,
1:100,000...): what we want is to aggregate these layers to one entry in the
"Layer List" with the feature name and the currently displayed scale layer.

Can someone point me into the right direction? I assume we have to patch some
udig internal code, we are using udig-1.1-RC14-SDK currently.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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