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Re: [udig-devel] filtering contents of rendered layers

Some of those breakpoints helped...

At 21:53 30/10/2007, Jesse Eichar wrote:
I've created it as

[ "Day" == "1" ]

for example, which is then parsed ok, and the 'toString()' method
on the filter returns:

[ Day = 1]

Ok, part of the problem is the above. The quotes around "Day" are not a good thing. If I remove that then, for example, the feature count returns correctly. (But then I can't filter on my 'Driver ID' attribute because that has a space in it -- I'll have to read the ExpressionBuilder docs and/or code carefully, since they don't explain what to do in this case).

But, my rendered Map report still doesn't contain the right stuff even with this fix...


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