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Re: [udig-devel] Strange SLD behavior

David Adler ha scritto:
It isn't surprising that the behavior of the filter is different in the WFS request than in styling. In the WFS request, the datastore is converting the filter into some SQL. In styling, GeoTools must have implemented this filtering.

I've solved the problem by updating the column in the database to trim off all trailing blanks and now all works as expected.

I'm not familiar enough with the shapefile .dbf file to know how trailing characters are normally represented for character fields, i.e., are they usually blank or null? The .dbf fields are always fixed length so there has to be some padding. On import into DB2, we preserve the trailing blanks.

I'm pretty sure shp2pgsql, the utility that I usually use to import
data into postgis, does not do that. Yes, fields are fixed length, but
we never pad them in gt2 either.
Afaik there is some kind of terminator in the dbf,
otherwise we would have trouble labelling maps, for example: think
state names, if they are 256 chars long fields you would have
labels wildly out of place due to the very long white space padding.


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