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Re: [udig-devel] Strange SLD behavior

David Adler wrote:
When I apply this to a shapefile layer in uDig, the fill works as expected.

When I apply this to a DB2 layer in uDig based on a shapefile that was imported, the rule does not get applied. After some investigation, I determined that although the names are stored in VARCHAR columns, they are padded with blanks on the right. I guess it isn't too surprising that the rule doesn't get applied - is there some way to not treat trailing blanks as significant?

You can use a "like" filter; the specification is a bit whacked but out of the box it works like SQL; so match against "%San Jose%". I wonder why the strings are getting padded out with VARCHAR?
The strange thing is that if I enclose the <sld:PropertyIsEqualTo> with <sld:Not>, all features except "San Jose" are shaded so in this case it appears to be ignoring trailing blanks.
And what if you Not the Not ;-)
When specifying the filter in a GeoServer WFS request, it also appears to ignore trailing blanks.
Stranger and stranger; to get a fair test you may need to turn back the clock to GeoServer 1.3; unless you are doing these tests on uDig trunk? Perhaps this problem has already been fixed; if you can find out where we can apply the fix to 2.2.x.

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