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Re: [udig-devel] filter selection problem

> Hmmm.  Sounds a little like a bug... I'll try to take a look at it.   
> Could you put a break point in the renderer to verify that it gets  
> triggered again after you put the filter on.

Absolutely, but I need some quick help on what that means :)

>   Also...
> Is the feature a new feature?

No, an existing one.

> Or does it exist in the layer?
> Does it start to work if you delete the .fix file?


The thing is really strange, I have two ways to do the selection:
1) I understand from a particular logic in an algorithm that the feature
will be single and just add that fid and send the command - this has
the problem

2) I check all the features and in the end i add all the found fids to
the filter. The funny thing is that this can mean that i could have
also just one feature in the end. When that applies however the feature
is rendered. -> works

I use the same filter for both the cases and the same command is
launched, so i can't really understand what happens...
The only thing that could be is that the command comes to quickly to
send the selection command, but that sounds dummy.

No idea at all.

> Jesse
> On Oct 10, 2007, at 10:06 AM, Andrea Antonello wrote:
> > Hi, I'm running into a strange problem with programmatic selection  
> > on a
> > layer:
> >
> > I create a fid filter adding the fids of the needed features:
> >
> > FidFilter fidFilter =
> > FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory().createFidFilter();
> >
> > add the needed fids:
> >
> > fidFilter.addFid(feature.getID());
> >
> > and afterwards as copied from the selection tool the following
> > renders the selected features:
> >
> > MapCommand command =
> > getContext().getSelectionFactory().createSelectCommand(basinLayer,
> > fidFilter);
> >
> > getContext().sendASyncCommand(command);
> > selecting = false;
> > shapeCommand.setValid(false);
> > getContext().getViewportPane().repaint();
> >
> >
> > This works like a charms, apart of the situation in which I add
> > jsut a single feature. In that case the feature gets selected in
> > the table view, but not rendered inside the map window.
> >
> > Any idea about what that could be? I can't find a reason...
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Andrea
> > _______________________________________________
> > User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >
> >
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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