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Re: [udig-devel] How to pick up Coverage from Layer


I'd recommend resolving to a GridCoverageReader. The coverage returned is resized to reduce loading times and memory. It isn't well documented and I don't know the API well enough yet to do a better job.

On Aug 3, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Jan Jezek wrote:

Hi all,

I'm working on GSoC project (The 'transofrmations' one) and I'm having following problem:

I would like to pick up the GridCoverage2D from layer containing image file (.tif). My
approach is simmilar as with Feature layer. Code looks like this:

GridCoverage2D coverage = (GridCoverage2D)sourceLayer.getResource (Coverage.class, null);

It works, but it looks that the coverage is resized by the transformation included in .wld file. Please does anybody know if there is a way how to get GridCoverage2D in original?

Sorry if this has been already discussed.
I' working against uDig trunk (btw. - the raster rendering performance rise pretty nice there and
also old Ubuntu/SWT bugs are gone. Cool :-) ).

Thanks for your help,


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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