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Re: [udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] Converting to

On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 23:47 +0200, Andrea Antonello wrote:
> Alright, I was searching exactly for that picture, thanks Jody.
> I have a question now... what would speak against having JGrass moved to
> work with the trunc code? Obviously we stay in our svn like we are now
> until both parts do not agree that we should merge. It is just a
> question of using geotools 2.4, which I would really like to. Mainly the
> reason is that I would get nearer to the new coverage stuff.
> Any reason we should not?
> Advices really appreciated.

sounds like a good idea. Code like yours should be against trunk until
such times as it is widely in use. You may run into some issues but
those will clearly be bugs since the setup is supposed to work.


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