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[udig-devel] Clean on 1.2.PRE

Hi Cory (and All):

The technical issues referred to seem to be due to our svn server (it appears to error out halfway through a commit).

I have made a tag out of my current working directory here:

This tag works on GeoTools 2.4.x (ie geotools trunk) and can be used as a guide for fixing things up again. I made notes during the initial switch to GeoTools 2.4 so all the decisions (and working source code) is available for when we do this again.

A couple of things did not go to my satisfaction last time:
- the grid coverage renderer had been changed so much that there was no clear upgrade path; and the documentation was not sufficient for me to do anything other then guess

Simone if you have any time, or enthusiasm for trying out raster support in a client setting I would be great if we could do this properly. It took 5 days last time to make the switch; I think we should gather up volunteers this time and pic a day.


Cory Horner wrote:
Most development has been going to the uDig 1.1.x branch lately, and trunk has been a mess due to various technical issues; as a result, many changes from 1.1.x have not made their way to trunk. Over the last 2 days i've been trying to get trunk back in sync. First I tried bringing missing commits from 1.1.x up to trunk. After that I tried rolling back trunk to the branch point and applying all the changes to 1.1.x to it. The current state of trunk is very close to 1.1.x. Unfortunately i've run out of time and need to disappear for 3 weeks. There are several commits on trunk from revision 23126 onward which need to make their way back; these are mostly by Jody and myself.

Anyhow, at worst we can roll back my changes over the last few days -- but we will still need to get 1.1.x and trunk in sync (and certainly before the end of May).

But first, we must figure out what the hell is wrong with our subversion repository for it to be failing randomly on merges and large commits.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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