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[udig-devel] menubuilder and actions

I am trying to create an Action to be added to a menu created through
the menubuilder extention.

Mainly I want to create a button that launches a dialog, then the user
chooses some layer and the action does something.

That said, I first tried to create an ActionTool from the udig
extention, which is rather easy and seemed to fit my needs.

However when I started udig, i got a nice exception:
[ and so on ]

which nicely made appear my tool in the toolbar, but broke every other
button on the bar, i.e. only my button populated the toolbar. Rather
aggressive... :)

Since I couldn't figure out why activeModalToolProxy was null at the
point all this occured, I decided to step over to the menuBuilder and
create a "normal" Action.

Now I notice that the menubuilder misses the
protected void makeActions( IWorkbenchWindow window )
method, which is mandatory to activate and register the actions to the
Which is the proper way to add my Action, that extends Action and
implements IAction?


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